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Showing posts from December, 2013

The Family Jewels

I know, I know, I am super slow! Thank you for understanding that this busy mom does not often find moments of creativity to allow me to speak to you, my most favourite readers. But alas, the time has come when my ingenuity can no longer stay contained. The wordage within me must be purged. I often preface what I am about to spill to you with a little Parental Advisory notice – I have problems containing my potty mouth… and I don’t always stick to the high road to keep my lady-ness in tact. Today, I am afraid, is no better, and in fact you may want to stop reading right here.   If you are reading this – then you decided to throw caution to the wind, live on the edge and dance with me in a world filled with profanity and inappropriateness. Congratulations, you dirty thing. So… what should we discuss now? Don’t worry - I know just the thing! Balls. Yep, Balls and I am not talking sports. But you can drag your mind out of the gutter, this is a metaphoric conversation