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Summer's End

Well, I guess that's it. Summer is done. There are some that like to remind us that technically summer will continue for a few more weeks, those are clearly the people without children or those willing to commit a serious fashion faux pas. Because, as all assumptions go, it's done, finito, kaput come Labour Day. The white pants go away, the children go to school, life resumes in a full non-white clothed -packed lunch kind of way for the next ten months.

As summers go, mine was a pretty good one. There was a lot of time spent in the ol' workplace. Ugh right?! But thank goodness for Grandmothers! And luckily my child has three! Without them the summer would have been awfully dull for the kid.

Yaya started the summer with a great little Wasaga Beach adventure for the three cousins. Her pocket book may have regretted the trip to Walmart and then the trip to Rounds Ranch where she had to endure hours of waiting while the kids did whatever Rounds Ranch has to offer. But the kids had fun and it may be one of the last times the three cousins, Gus (8), Cody (8) and Kayla (12) will enjoy each others company for an extended period of time. Sadly Kayla is growing up... I doubt she will endure her brother or her cousin for much longer. I think they may already be pushing their luck in that department. Soon she will be a full-fledged teenager, then I am sure that's it. Game over. The boys will be oh so disgusting and ugh soooo annoying!

Next up was Grandma. Where Gus, Ethan (other cousin) and I went to visit. A week in Saskatchewan experiencing the vast wilderness of the north and the lack of a conventional toilet proved to be something that I can do. But let's not get too excited, I'm not planning on "backpacking" anywhere or  "camping". I can go four to five days without a modern toilet, but that's four to five days with minimal food and beverage intake. Needed to keep those trips to the outhouse as few as possible. I will be keeping my yearly outdoor peeing to a maximum of 5 days.

Finally last week it was Nana's turn. A week in my home province of BC. Where when you come home you think, why do I live in Ontario? BC is so beautiful that Ontario can't hold a candle to it, yes I am prejudiced. Although to break the perfected illusion that is BC, a walk down Hastings will do the trick. Gus and I along with Marilyn (my step-mom, aka Nana) and Chucky (Aunty Chucky, Marilyn's sister) took this stroll. Gus now knows how to spot a drug addict (important for a Mount Forestarian eight year old) and knows that drugs will make you ugly and scary (true story). But our whole trip wasn't about scaring the 8 year old sh*tless, (although I am hoping that vision will stick with him through highschool) we went to Whistler for a couple days, panned for some gold in the Brittania Mine Museum, visited family and a had a grand old time. Hard to come home after such great holidays.

Now... it's back to school, back to the grind, back to the stresses of "real life". Yuck. I like to pretend things are perfect when I am away, then when I walk back into my messy, dusty house and I am quickly reminded that my life is pretty much like my house, messy & dusty. And as far as my life goes, things are getting down to the wire! Only one month left here at Vmax, then I'm out pounding the pavement. So again, any of you out there looking for a super smart, mildly funny and all around great gal to fill some sort of employment need... look no further here I am! Call me!

Hopefully my next story will be filled with triumphant boasting of my great new career! Until then...


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