Patience. Some people have it. I, however, do not.
Some days I think I do, then all I have to do is slide in behind the wheel of a vehicle and I realize, what a facade. Patience is not one of my virtues. And really, I am not sure why people think it is so important. I get through life just fine with my short fuse. What's wrong with a little anger? Nothing, I say. And if you disagree, well I have no patience for you.
Traffic, or rather other vehicles on the road in general, will always set me on edge. Whatever semblance of patience I may have thought I had, is blown right out the window. For the most part, I can dispel my feelings of vehicular ire by cursing a blue streak in the privacy of my own vehicle. And I am quite sure I could make a sailor blush at the variety of vulgar language I can come up with while driving. I am an extremely creative, non-patient person.
I do have to give myself some credit, I actually have a wee bit more tolerance than I used to back in the day. The kid has forced me into a bit of understanding. My child can, and does, talk non-stop. And I am not exagerating. He started talking at a freakishly early age, and has not stopped. I kid you not. You kind of just have to go with it. Nodding and mm-hmming through your day. Until you realize you have agreed that you are making jell-o and fries for dinner and given him your credit card to buy Lego online.
Now you may argue that that is not patience. But you are wrong. By the time I have agreed to jell-o, fries and UPS delivery of Lego, you have no idea of what I have endured. Multiple hours of stories of Transformers, Batman, Lego, Lego and more Lego. My house is filled with, of course, Lego, Hot Wheels and Transformer bits. I step on more transformer parts than you would think is humanly possible. I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs at the hands, or rather arm, of a Transformer. The fact that I do not have a molten pile of plastic toy snippets in my backyard proves that somewhere in me, is patience.
Learning patience is a backwards kind of trip. In the words of Stanislaw J. Lec, "You must first have a lot patience to learn patience." So, what's the point? Too much patience and you will get walked all over. Not enough patience, apparently, isn't good either. I say screw it. I like my fiery nature. Makes life interesting. If I was ho-humming it every day, what the hell would I have to talk about? So I am sticking to my guns. I am just dandy with what I have, or in this case, don't have.
And speaking of guns... I really have some Guns N Roses Patience stuck in my head now. I apologize, I am sure you are now facing the same fight with Axl now. Damn him and that catchy whistling.
I do have to give myself some credit, I actually have a wee bit more tolerance than I used to back in the day. The kid has forced me into a bit of understanding. My child can, and does, talk non-stop. And I am not exagerating. He started talking at a freakishly early age, and has not stopped. I kid you not. You kind of just have to go with it. Nodding and mm-hmming through your day. Until you realize you have agreed that you are making jell-o and fries for dinner and given him your credit card to buy Lego online.
Now you may argue that that is not patience. But you are wrong. By the time I have agreed to jell-o, fries and UPS delivery of Lego, you have no idea of what I have endured. Multiple hours of stories of Transformers, Batman, Lego, Lego and more Lego. My house is filled with, of course, Lego, Hot Wheels and Transformer bits. I step on more transformer parts than you would think is humanly possible. I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs at the hands, or rather arm, of a Transformer. The fact that I do not have a molten pile of plastic toy snippets in my backyard proves that somewhere in me, is patience.
Learning patience is a backwards kind of trip. In the words of Stanislaw J. Lec, "You must first have a lot patience to learn patience." So, what's the point? Too much patience and you will get walked all over. Not enough patience, apparently, isn't good either. I say screw it. I like my fiery nature. Makes life interesting. If I was ho-humming it every day, what the hell would I have to talk about? So I am sticking to my guns. I am just dandy with what I have, or in this case, don't have.
And speaking of guns... I really have some Guns N Roses Patience stuck in my head now. I apologize, I am sure you are now facing the same fight with Axl now. Damn him and that catchy whistling.
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