The man cold has hit my house.
Well, to be completely accurate, my place of business. As that is where I have been, along with the "very sick" Gus for the last 7 hours. Yes, I have had my "sick" son with me at work for SEVEN HOURS! Luckily for me (or him, however you look at it) he has been very low key, quiet, self sufficient, with only the occasional burst of energy resulting in a corresponding outburst from me that bursts his little energy bubble.It was my idea to keep him home. I didn't want my kid to be "THAT" kid that gets everyone else's kid sick. So after a debriefing this morning, I established that he is the first in his class to come down with these specific set of symptoms. So, with no regard for my own sanity, I told Gus he could not go to school today and would have to stay with me at work for the day. Crazy, right?!
Throughout the day, Gus has been asked by nearly every member that has come in after 9am "No school today?" To which he replies with puppy dog eyes and a suddenly nearly gone voice "no I'm sick" in the meekest voice you can imagine. It's a prime example of how early the man cold sets in. Granted Gus' sick usually does turn into something dreaded like pneumonia and/or ear infections - but this is the first real man cold symptoms he has displayed. Usually he will motor through whatever ails him, fevered, chilled, you name it. You wouldn't even know he was sick if you couldn't recognize the glossy eyed look of a fever. But it seems, at the age of eight and a half, its official my son is a man. He can no longer function when sick.
Spending the day with your child is, for the most part, something that everyone looks forward to. Having your child spend the day with you at work, not so much. I don't know what kind of nut bar would want their child to spend an ENTIRE day in the "office" with them. As it is, Gus has a chair crammed in behind my own chair, so that every time I move I fear I may dismember one of his digits. And the constant sniffle behind me is not only a reminder that he is here but also alerts me to the impending doom of the snotty mess that could lurk there.
I can tell you all that I am thanking Steve Jobs very much today. He perhaps should be considered for sainthood after a day like today... Thank you Steve Jobs for the iPad. Thank you Steve Jobs for iTunes. And thank you Steve Jobs for keeping my son entertained ALL day!
Let's see how long the man cold hangs around an eight year old. I am thinking that the prospect of another day in the "office" will cure this pretty quickly.. I am thinking the man cold is going to turn into "mom, its just the sniffles and a cough" pretty quickly! And things will get back to normal!
That is some face on my grandson! Hope he gets better soon.